Thursday, July 09, 2009

This is brilliant!

Eternal moonwalk

found via:

Back to work today, after a relaxing week off. I hope I'm working with C.E on mains and not on the pub side. It's really hot on the pub side, bigger grill, both sides of the salamaner open, two deep fryers...lots of heat going on. On either side I finish my shift soaking wet. I can wring my shirt after a shift and it drips...yucky I know but that's part of it I guess. I really enjoy my job...I love cooking in these quantities and sometimes it's that too. Well, I love the feeling of satisfaction when it's over. Can you be addicted to satisfaction? Does that even make sense? Let us ponder this question today...Can one be addicted to the feeling of satisfaction? If so then I think I am.

I kept thinking of yesterdays post and how people talk about each other and all...I have decided to not play that game anymore. When people around me will be gossiping I will walk away. Granted at times it will be impossible for me to walk away but I will not participate in hurting another person with my words. Let people talk all they want about me...I know myself and they cannot bring my spirit down. I am at my job for two reasons, to work and learn. Not to put people down.

AHHH...I feel way better now about my first day back at work. Better prepared at least to deal with gossip.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Gossip is so unking