Monday, June 04, 2007


Almost every day I get to see how important it is to teach your children the basics of taking care of a house. I remember how I hated being woken up Saturday mornings so my sisters and I could clean the house. We(as well as my mom) would clean the whole house from top to bottom. My mom taught us everything about the care of a home and the best of all she taught us to do it with pleasure and to make it fun. Yes, at the time we would mumble and grumble but now that I have my own home to take care of I see the importance of it all. Especially when your better half was not taught any of these things and you(in this case me)have all the home projects on your shoulders. OK...he does do SOME things but never or rarely starts a project(home related) on his own. It's like he has blinders(what a horse wears during a race to not be frightened by other horses)on, just sees what's in front of him.

Yes I'm complaining here because complaining to Jack is useless. He hears what he wants to hear and somehow makes it my fault that he doesn't do anything. At least here I can vent without being interrupted.

I don't have kids but one piece of advice to parents out there, make your kids do chores around the house. Teach them that on garbage day you need to take out all the garbage and this means going from room to room to empty all the garbages and then you take it outside. Teach your kids how to cook for themselves, they don't have to become great chefs but at least give them the knowledge so that if they are home and there is food in the fridge and pantry they know how to put it together and not rely on delivery services. Teach your kids how to wash a floor in case something happens when you are not there and they know how to pick up the mess before you get home. Teach them how to do dishes so if you have a sprain like I did two weeks ago, the dishes won't stay on the counter for 4 days until you can bend your arm again. The basics so when you have someone like me who 95% of the time takes care of all the house can get a small break when she feels under the weather. So you can see on your own what needs to be done because asking what needs to be done when it's plain and simple is very irritating and stressful.

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