Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I need this apron now!

found via:nvrslowdn

This past friday I grated my thumb...yes, pain and blood...lots of blood! Who knew a thumb coild bleed so much? Not me that's who! Fudge it still hurts since the injury was right on the knuckle so every time I bend my finger it cracks...OMG! I've cut myself many times but this one is a memory-maker for me.

Spring has sprung here in Senneville...the sun is out, it's still a bit chilly but at least there is NO MORE SNOW! Gardening work to be started, much cleaning needs to be done...suck cause I have to wait a bit longer cause my thumb is still killing! I have some bulbs that are popping out...very exciting! I'm realizing though that I completely missed planting bulbs on one side if the tree...I'm pretty green on the gardening thing so it's to be expected I suppose. ha! I'll post a pic later.

1 comment:

Lavandine said...

No thank's for me!