Wednesday, July 08, 2009

life got in the way...

This is the reason for my lack of posting. My new job at the restaurant, summer gardening, working out three times a week, general upkeep of the home...and I play mafia wars on facebook my time was limited. I love mafia wars game...if you read this and you play, come and join my mafia family please...we are only 11 and it's hard to make any real damage with such a small number. Anyhoo....

Job is going well, I like most everybody there, some people are just a little annoying and one person is an outright A-Hole! I'm getting my skills back quickly and I really like working with the sous-chef. He is a good teacher and doesn't put too much pressure on me. The thing I realized the most going back to work after 4+ years is that people talk about each other all the time. I hate that but find myself doing the same. I really just want to keep quiet and do my job but when it goes on all day around you, one sometimes gets caught up in it. And when I do keep quiet and just concentrate on my work then people talk about me! what the "F" am I supposed to do? People are odd!

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